  • To achieve maximum results in the shortest amount of time in solving aesthetic problems or treating certain diseases is a basic postulate of our institution. This is achieved through teamwork and a wide range of lasers with a myriad of treatment options that are combined with ablative surgical techniques if necessary.
  • Expertise above all – all laser treatments are done exclusively by specialists in dermatology, plastic surgery and physical medicine that have international licenses – certificates for working with dermatological and surgical lasers.
  • Maximum responsible approach to every patient, teamwork and consultative treatment in all difficult cases – in the treatment of a patient a team of doctors of various specialties is included to achieve an optimal therapeutic outcome.
  • Consultations are mandatory before treatment and during treatment to achive results as soon as possible.
  • Extensive experience of nearly three decades in clinical practice and working with lasers is guarantee of your safety.
  • Cooperation and exchange of experiences with other medical institutions in the country and abroad.
  • Continuous professional development at national and international congresses of dermatology, plastic surgery and anti-aging medicine.
  • Membership in all relevant professional medical societes and medical associations, both domestic and international.
  • Continuous introduction of new therapeutic procedures in the field of laser dermatology, anti-aging medicine and plastic surgery.